Il crollo degli ascolti per le trasmissioni televisive italiane di attualità e degli approfondimenti politici, già di per sé importante, ha come ulteriore effetto quello di influenzare fortemente l’efficacia degli annunci pubblicitari, qui di porre investitori e concessionarie di fronte a improrogabili riflessioni (e ad auspicabili strategie realmente innovative).
Ecco come AdAge spiega come oggi sia enormemente più difficile “raggiungere” il “consumatore“, a parità di risorse profuse, a fronte dell’enorme cambiamento avvenuto negli States negli ultimi venti anni. Ho voluto evidenziare col corsivo come il crollo in realtà sia ancora maggiore se a “raggiungere” sostituiamo “coinvolgere” e a “consumatore” sostituiamo “prosumer“: da quanti secoli ne parliamo, ormai?
Numeri a parte, lo scenario mi sembra comunque confrontabile con quello italiano.
“Fifteen years ago, TV advertisers could expect 40% of their campaigns’ impressions to be concentrated on the 20% of their target audience who were the heaviest TV viewers. Today, the frequency imbalance is almost twice as bad. According to both Nielsen data as well as Simulmedia’s database of anonymous second-by-second set-top box viewing data of 30 million Americans, those 20% of target viewers who are heavy TV viewers now receive 60 to 80% of most national TV campaign impressions. This squanders advertiser money, needlessly accelerates the “wear out” of creatives and alienates target customers who feel bombarded by redundant messaging.
It happened because TV audiences have fragmented dramatically over the past 15 years and the TV media industry has not adjusted its planning, buying and measurement tools and strategies to keep pace.
Twenty years ago, the average American household had access to 28 TV channels, and brands like Fox, Nickelodeon and TNT were babies. Today, Americans have 165 channels and watch networks like Military Channel, Investigation Discovery and BBC America.
Today, it takes four to five spots to deliver the equivalent media weight of one spot 15 or 20 years ago, and eight to deliver as much reach. That’s an enormous change.”